Why praying together is important in your marriage

Praying couple holding hands

Is praying together important in your marriage ? How can it improve your relationship? Have you ever asked these questions to yourself and discussed them with each other ? Prayer is an opportunity to express ones feelings as we make ourselves vulnerable before God. That vulnerability helps us to really understand each other and what is burdening our spouse. It also helps us to appreciate each others spiritual and emotional needs.

It is an opportunity to offer prayer for each other. When my husband prays for me, I know he cares and wants to understand how I feel. It’s a very loving action in a marriage but sadly so many couples are missing this very aspect that brings a specialness to our relationship. We also get to hear our spouse’s compassion for others.

In Amos 3:3 it says ‘can two people agree unless they have first agreed to travel together ?’ A married couple can have a strong understanding of each other when they share their weaknesses before God in prayer. As we ‘travel’ together, over many years, our prayers become more and more a natural way of life. Prayer strengthens the marital bond by increasing our trust between each other. Ultimately, our intimacy as husband and wife grows, as we open our hearts and minds together before a loving father God.

You might be saying that it is embarrassing to speak out loud, in prayer, in front of my spouse and yes I would agree. To start with, I did find it difficult but anything that is worth doing is nearly always hard. As a Christian couple, we know that God knows us inside out and back to front - He knows all of our weaknesses and accepts us - and so does our spouse. So what are we hiding ? Prayer breaks down any barrier and sets us free to be honest, trustworthy and forgiving. When we look up, He blesses us - then we are able to bless each other.

Prayer is being intimate with God. If God has given His whole sacrificial self to us, He is expecting us to do the same in our marriages - this helps us in our prayers together. We must be completely vulnerable with each other. This is what God wants in order that we bear fruit for him in this garden - that is our marriage.

Amanda Wood

Amanda is the Co-director of ‘The Marriage Partnership’ with her husband. She lives in a seaside town on the west coast of the UK. Over the last 20 years she has passionately supported and encouraged couples as an advisor, facilitator, course presenter and now as a coach. She has co-authored a book on the marriage vows, from a biblical perspective, called ‘Marriage made in Heaven (when we say I will). She is also an online entrepreneur as a blogger, YouTuber and podcaster. Her other interests include sharing her Christian faith, reading, cooking, drawing, walking and dancing.


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